Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Transport Service Stopped
Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Transport Service Stopped
When we restart the transport service (MSExchangeTransport) it again stops in few seconds because of which mail flow (incoming & outgoing) was out of service. Upon checking the Event Viewer I found the below error with an Event ID 16023.
Based on the below error snapshot, I noticed that “Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.MalwareApp.dll” file located under “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\agents\Antimalware” directory could not be loaded with an Access Denied.
Should be applied on all the Exchange Servers 2016
Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\agents
Right Click Antimalware, then go to Security (tab) the Select NETWORK SERVICE and give Full Permission.