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Turning Exchange 2013/2016/2019 into Maintenance Mode

Microsoft Exchange

Turning Exchange 2013/2016/2019 into Maintenance Mode

This process has been applied successfully in an Exchange 2016 production environment.

I am having a three (3) node Exchange 2016 in a DAG, for patching Exchange, it is a recommendation to put the Exchange Server into the maintenance mode and then do the patching in order to avoid any Disconnectivity issues from the clients perspective and a seamless upgrade/update. Let’s begin….

This process is for One Server in DAG and applies to all, one by one. Never try to get over smart and put two servers in maintenance mode thinking that Exchange Services will work on One Server. You might end up damaging your environment.


  1. Drain the HubTransport role in order to stop accepting any more messages.

[PS] C:\>Set-ServerComponentState -Identity “EXCH002” -Component HubTransport -State Draining -Requester Maintenance


Note: If the server is a DAG Member run the following commands, if you have a single Exchange Server then directly run the ServerWideOffline command mentioned in Step 9.


  1. Redirect all the incoming messages to another available Exchange Node.

[PS] C:\>Redirect-Message -Server “EXCH002” -Target “EXCH001.mgmt.local”



Are you sure you want to perform this action?

Redirecting messages to “EXCH001.mgmt.local “.

[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [?] Help (default is “Y”): Y


  1. Suspend the node from the DAG Cluster

[PS] C:\>Suspend-ClusterNode “EXCH002”

Name                           ID    State

—-                                 —    —–

EXCH002       1     Paused


  1. Stop automatic database activation on the Server,

[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxServer “EXCH002” -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $true


  1. Makes sure the DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy is set to unrestricted.

[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxServer “EXCH002” | Select DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy





  1. Blocking the Database activation as we have planned to put this server into the maintenance mode

[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxServer “EXCH002” -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked


  1. Verify if there are any database mounted on the server and it should be node, if you find it then you manually mount the databases on different node.

[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server “EXCH002” | Where {$_.Status -eq “Mounted”}


  1. Run Get-Queue command to make sure there are ZERO (0) queues

[PS] C:\>Get-Queue


  1. Run the below command to put the server into the maintenance mode.

[PS] C:\>Set-ServerComponentState “EXCH002” -Component ServerWideOffline -State Inactive -Requester Maintenance


  1. Run the below command to get the server status.

[PS] C:\>Get-ServerComponentState “EXCH002” | Select Component, State


Component                               State

———                                   —–

ServerWideOffline                    Inactive

HubTransport                           Inactive

FrontendTransport                    Inactive

Monitoring                                 Active

RecoveryActionsEnabled          Active

AutoDiscoverProxy                   Inactive

ActiveSyncProxy                       Inactive

EcpProxy                                  Inactive

EwsProxy                                  Inactive

ImapProxy                                Inactive

OabProxy                                 Inactive

OwaProxy                                 Inactive

PopProxy                                  Inactive

PushNotificationsProxy             Inactive

RpsProxy                                  Inactive

RwsProxy                                  Inactive

RpcProxy                                  Inactive

UMCallRouter                           Inactive

XropProxy                                Inactive

HttpProxyAvailabilityGroup       Inactive

ForwardSyncDaemon               Inactive

ProvisioningRps                        Inactive

MapiProxy                                Inactive

EdgeTransport                          Inactive

HighAvailability                         Inactive

SharedCache                            Inactive

MailboxDeliveryProxy               Inactive

RoutingUpdates                        Inactive

RestProxy                                 Inactive

DefaultProxy                             Inactive

Lsass                                        Inactive

RoutingService                         Inactive

E4EProxy                                  Inactive

CafeLAMv2                               Inactive

LogExportProvider                    Inactive


Reboot the server once and then start the upgrade process.

check the below link to turn Exchange Out Of Maintenance Mode.…maintenance-mode/


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