Skype for Business Server Front-End Service Status Starting

Skype for Business Server

After installing my third server in my existing Skype for Business Server Topology, I could see that “Skype for Business Server Front-End Service” status is “Starting” and it doesn’t come up

I checked event viewer and found the below error:

General Tab: FM resolving failed with FABRIC_E_SERVICE_OFFLINE

Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Windows Fabric/Admin

Source: Windows Fabric

Event ID: 16385

Level: Warning


Steps to follow to resolve the issue:

  1. Stop all the Skype for Business Server Services and Windows Fabric Service
  2. Disable all the Skype for Business Server Services after running the following command from windows powershell : Get-Service -DisplayName “Skype for Business Server*” |Set-Service -StartupType Disable (by default all the Skype for Business Server Services state is set to “Automatic Delayed”)
  3. Uninstall Windows Fabric from Control Panel –> Programs and Features
  4. Manually delete all the folder and files from “C:\ProgramData\Windows Fabric”
  5. Restart the server
  6. Run Step 1 (Install Local Configuration Store) and Step 2 (Setup or Remove Skype for Business Server Components) from Deployment wizard
  7. Change the Skype for Business Server Services state back to “Automatic” by running the following command:  Get-Service -DisplayName “Skype for Business Server*” |Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
  8. Restart the server once again
  9. Skype for Business Server Services should restart normally

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