By default, On Huawei’s FusionCompute 6.5.1 we cannot install VM Tools for SLES15 (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15).
Qemu-guest-agent (default version that comes with FusionCompute 6.5.1 for SLES) doesn’t support the with vm-agent for SLES15. So we have found a practice that will enable vm-agent running successfully.
We need to apply the following steps:
- Uninstall qemu-guest-agent
- install vm-agent for SLES
- check vm-agent started successfully by running $ sudo service vm-agent status
- install qemu-guest-agent
- restart vm-agent –> sudo vm-agent restart
Open Yast à Software manager
Remove Qemu-guest-agent
Open terminal (Suppose /dev/sr0 as a mounted drive which is having vm-tools-* )
$ mkdir /root/xvdd
$ mount /dev/sr0 /root/xvdd
$ cd /root/xvdd
$ cp vmtools-for-suse11sp3-x86_64- /root
$ cd /root
$ tar –xjvf vmtools-for-suse11sp3-x86_64-
$ cd vmtools
$ ./install
$ service vm-agent status
Install qemu-guest-agent from yast
$ service vm-agent restart
Check the agent is installed and Tools Status shows as “Running“.
Thanks to our Linux Consultant Mr. Manoj Mohanan for solving this issue for us.